January 14, 2009

Feeling now: Vexed.
Look at gabriel lee!
Today was just plain. Nothing big or small happened. Tmr my group will be filming for the CNY video clip. Oh have to go chinatown. Hope to see good food there too:P Guess im hungry now. I just hate school now. esp assembly. Our class have to be checked every morning for attire. SUPERlame, where i dont think there's a need for it. Why do they think tucking in shirt and skirt to be at KNEE LENGTH is appropriate? and the thing is.


If it makes the student feel good about him/herself, why bother about it? Most importantly is the academic that concerns.I m not asking for dyed hair, skirt mini till exposed, blouse to be tucked out. Cant be our skirt just a few fingers above the knees? Its not about showing off ourselves but at least we feel good about ourselves, could also boost our confidence.Seriously i dont find such a need to be so strict with the way we wear. Why must they make things difficult for us? Why so i have to be so unlucky to get caught by mrs lee and the others were remained safe? I believe there are other girls in the class whose skirt are way shorter than mine. I can swear that i tuck in my blouse and my skirt is no more then 4 fingers above knees.I seriously feel so unfair for myself and sometimes blaming myself to be so unlucky to get picked. I hope someday the rules would not be as antique & let the students to comment and decide about what we wear, as long as it's not overboard.

Brought to you,


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