April 10, 2009

How i feel today: Relaxed.
Today was complete relax day for me. Eating, playing, sleeping. Nothing more. cool.
Changed my blogskin, felt too bored looking at that skin.
Quite orange-y. One of my favourite color (:
This week is really TIRING AND HECTIC.
Dance is really taking my soul out of my body. Never fails to collapse whenever i reach home.
Thank god today is good friday if not i think i might not have any energy to even walk. Heh.
There are countless tests coming ahead, and next week there will be 5 tests.
Average a test on everyday!
This is seriously killing me! I think im gonna flunk all my tests. Have to study real hard.
Gonna take a rest today and start work tomorrow.
Oh Gosh. They all killing all my brain cells.
Forget it. Let just shift the topic to what i have done these few days..

Mugging at minji house..

Minji and me.

The PMs(Platoon mentors) came back to our school!! Missed them hell loads! Dont knw when we are going to see them again..
We were given each a blank paper by pms, for us to write our goals, decorate it, and leave somewhere where we can see, and must be a stretchable distance.
That are what life is, we must make an effort to achieve it.
I drew roughly what i want and paste it on my cupboard.
But i have no idea where issit now. LOL!

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